Proof of concept can really give your product the extra leverage needed to solidify the buy-in or procurement process.
On paper it looks great. You’ve said all the right things, ticked all the relevant boxes, but it’s still falling a little flat. Making sure that you can showcase your product or service is key to getting that all important buy-in. More often than not this needs to happen before it’s really seen the light of day, before it’s actually a fully formed thing. It’s a spark of inspiration, a new start up or a revolutionary new to market product.
Making sure your audience see your product in the same light as you do is where concept work can really make a difference.
As designers we get to see a lot of ‘ta-da’ moments, the moment a client see something tangible and their vision realised. Expectation exceeded and taken somewhere they didn’t know it could go.
We help some clients to do this for their own products too. I can help you get that all important buy-in from your buyers helping you realise your vision so they can see it and all its potential.

A new product or concept can sometimes falter at the first hurdle without the vision to solidify the idea. The proofs in the pudding, as they say. Getting a new product to market without the tangible ‘brand-in-hand’ can be a harder sell. I have worked with a variety of clients and products to bring idea’s to life, even before production. From illustrations to real life visuals, these images can make an idea really take flight.
If you have a concept project get in touch →
Services in this project
Photo Manipulation
Image Retouching
This work was undertaken in my role as Head of Design, The Shine Agency, Glasgow.